Thursday, November 7, 2013

Why is Relativism Wrong?

            Relativism is "the philosophical position that all points of view are equally valid, and that all truth is relative to the individual," according to CARM, the Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry.  Today, relativism has become a sort of Religion of Tolerance and is applauded as a pinnacle of kindness and justice.  While Christianity is the main group that appears to be suffering from it, everyone is at risk from this infectious system.
            There are three different types of relativism, according to CARM.  Cognitive relativism is when no truth is more valid than another and there is no objective standard of truth.  Moral/Ethical relativism is when any and all morals are relative to the group within which they are created.  Situational relativism occurs when ethics, or notions of right and wrong, are dependent upon the situation.
            The first proof of why relativism is not only wrong but completely illogical is that the statement, "there is no such thing as absolute truth," refutes itself.  If that simple sentence were in fact true, it would have just proven itself wrong because that statement in itself would have to be a truth.
            Another common declaration for advancing the Age of Tolerance is, "well, that's true for you, but not true for me."  The statement is lacking in logic.  In a very basic example, two plus two equals five.  My mom told me this and I believe it with all my heart and so that makes it true.  Would people say, "Yeah, that's cool, you can believe what you want"?  I'm inclined to think that they would correct me.  No one who has ever passed an elementary math course would let me go around saying that two plus two equals five.  Because it doesn't.
            The word "tolerance" has been twisted and contorted to the point where it simply means nothing's wrong and everything's right and if you disagree, you're intolerant.  According to, in a blog post by popular youth speaker Chris Stefanick, "a disagreement needs to occur for tolerance to even be possible. You don’t tolerate a beautiful sunny day. You tolerate a cold rainy day."  Disagreement does not mean there is intolerance; it simply means that the person disagrees.  I don't like cold, rainy days, but I deal with them.  Acknowledging that there is a difference is the first step toward tolerance.
            But what can be done if we stop saying that everyone is okay just believing what he or she wants to believe?  The first thing to realize is that there has to be absolute truth.  Logically, absolute truth cannot not exist.  Then, one must work to find that truth, keeping in mind that, while truth exists, some will not come to accept it.  Thus, the person seeking truth must always exercise patience.

            Why is this important for people of all faiths?  Every human heart, whether they know it or not, searches for truth.  To not actively seek out complete truth and then give it to others is an injustice to all.

Go check out for more arguments against relativism!


Please watch this video for more information about Relativism.  It is a presentation by Chris Stefanick based on his book:  Absolute Relativism.

1 comment:

  1. A really good post, Emme! Relativism is such a common term nowadays but not many people seem to know what it actually is. I liked your argument on "there is no such thing as an absolute truth." Nice job!
